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The Transactions offered by this Website can be executed only by fully competent adults. Transactions with financial instruments offered on the Website involve substantial risk and trading may be very risky. If you make Transactions with the financial instruments offered on this Website, you might incur substantial losses or even lose everything in your Account. Before you decide to start Transactions with the financial instruments offered on the Website, you must review the Service Agreement and Risk Disclosure Information.The services on the Website are provided by Aollikus Limited, a licensed financial dealer, company number: 40131, registered address: 1276, Govant Building, Kumul Highway, Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu. Saledo Global LLC, registered at Euro House, Richmond Hill Road, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, P.O. Box 2897, provides services to clients trading in digital assets and to clients with accounts nominated in digital assets. The companies are fully licensed to perform its activities by the laws of that country. Partner companies: VISEPOINT LIMITED (registration No. C 94716, registered at 123, Melita Street, Valletta, VLT 1123, Malta) and MARTIQUE LIMITED (registration No. HE 43318, registered at Kypranoros, 13, EVI BUILDING, 2nd floor, Flat/Office 201, 1061, Nicosia, Cyprus), provide content and perform operational management of the business.

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